6 Things to Know About Bad Tenants in New Jersey

While not typical now and then, a landlord is likely to encounter a bad tenant, you may wonder how to deal with this unique situation, should it arise. Having guidelines to follow when warning signs first appear can help keep the headaches to a minimum and give you peace of mind knowing your next step … Continued
How to Review Seller's Market Offers

How to Review Seller’s Market Offers in New Jersey

Being a seller’s market can be great. After all you have a lot of buyers looking to buy. However, this can also be a double edged sword as it can be difficult to tell which offers are genuine and which offers are a stalling technique. This blog will share a few tips on how to … Continued
Pros and Cons of an Open House

Pros and Cons of an Open House in New Jersey | Segis Group

There are a number of different ways that you can sell your home. A lot of people are familiar with some of the more traditional ways, such as selling their property with an agent, selling the property themselves or selling their property to a real estate investor. This blog will be looking at some of … Continued
Negotiation Tips for Selling Your Home

Negotiation Tips for Selling Your Home in New Jersey

Selling your home can be a stressful experience. You need to make sure that everything is in place and that you’ve done all the preparation you can before you list it. But even with all the preparation in the world, you still need to know how to negotiate with your buyer and keep your home … Continued
5 Proven Tips to Sell Your Home Faster

5 Proven Tips to Sell Your Home Faster New Jersey

Selling is one of the biggest life transitions you can experience. It can also be one of the biggest complications. There are plenty of proven tips to help you sell your home faster. This blog will look at some of these tips and show you how you can use them to sell your home faster. … Continued

4 Ways To Determine The True Value Of Your Home In New Jersey

One of the biggest investments in most people’s life is their home. Buying a home is expensive and so is selling your home. Therefore it makes sense to try and get the most out of your home. This blog will look at different ways to value your home and help you figure out how much … Continued

7 Tips for First Time Home Sellers In New Jersey

Selling your first home can be a stressful, daunting task. If you leave out some details, details that could have cost you thousands, you could regret it later. This blog will look at some of the most important things you should know before you list your home in New Jersey and beyond. Find out what … Continued